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Located in the central of Asia, it consists of the India Peninsular and portions of the south central Asian mainland. It has a total area of 3,287,263 sq. km. It extends 3,214 km from north to south and 2,933 km from east to west.


India is a country with much differences. From north to south, and east to west, the people are different, the language is different, and the custom is different. Traveling in India is difficult. The exhilarating transport and the unhygienic of food will get to your nerves.

The poverty will get you down, and the bureaucracy tries your patience. Yet this is a country of great experience and amazing variety that draws the return of the most ardent traveler.

The Society In India


India has the second-largest population in the world, exceeded only by that of China. It had an estimation of nearly a billion people. The growth rate of the population is around 2% per-annum. Nearly 30% of Indias people live in urban areas.

The country has more than 20 cities with populations of more than 1 million. Bombay is a city with the highest density of population - about 14.5 million people.


The Indian people are not a homogeneous group. It is easy to tell the difference between the shorter Bengalis of the east, the taller and fairer people of the central and north, the distinct central Asian features of the Kashmiris in the west and the dark-skinned Tamils in the south.



Indias society represents a dazzling array of different kinds of people along with their different cultures, religions, languages (India has more than 800 languages and dialects, which are different in its written and spoken form.

It has 15 officially recognized languages. Its national language is Hindi but it is mainly used in north India. In other parts of India, they will use the language of their state. However, English is widely used in all parts of India) and customs.

According to a survey, there are 4,636 ethnic groups existing in India, representing a variety of tribes and castes (This brought about the differences in the society and the much reported ethnic and religious unrest in northern India).

Because of the diversity of the people in India, it is inappropriate to identify any one culture as the "Indian Culture."


The caste system although weakened is still prevalent in the society especially among the less educated. It is difficult for the lower caste to mingle with those of the higher caste. Those born into the lower caste have little opportunity to progress.


Baksheesh or tipping is an integral part of the system. Foreigners trying to fight this system may end up with unpleasant argument.

Although most people think of baksheesh in terms of tipping, it also refers to giving alms. Baksheesh will open closed doors, and get things done. You only need to tip a few rupees.


Indians are conservative people. The ladies do not over expose themselves, wearing saris and wear a cloth/veil over their head. In public transport men and women are not allowed to sit together.


The literacy rate is 53% nationally. Men are generally more literate than women - 64% to 39% respectively.


India is a predominantly agricultural country. Agriculture sector accounts for about 20% of GDP and employs over 50% of the population. 40% of the population lives on or below the poverty. The inflation rate of 11% is threatening to get out of control.

Despite the existence of a large middle class, the national GNP per capita income is only INR 12,000 (US 286) per annum or around INR 35 (US 80 cents) per day.

Due to the lack of job opportunities, more people are migrating to the cities, only to find themselves as the "street people" scavenging for food.


India has a variety of religions. Apart from having nearly all the worlds popular religion, it is also the birthplace of Hinduism and Buddhism.

Despite having a vast variety of religions, Hinduism is by far the most popular (Hinduism - 62.4%, Muslim - 12.6%, Christianity - 7.3%, Sikhism - 2.8%, Jainism - 2.2%, Buddhism - 2%, Others - 9.1%).

The Life Of Our Believers In India


In India we have about 800 believers from 6 Churches, 2 Prayer Houses and 5 Places of Worship (mostly in Tamil Nadu state; a small minority in Karnataka state).

大多數的教會是在市鎮──小城及鄉村(Pammal, Chengalput, Tirunilai, Paduvancherry, Bangalore, Veppur, Ariyalur, Neyveli, Kuppanapuram, Karimanagar)。兩間在郊外(Otteri及Tiruvothiyur)及一間在工業區外圍(Ambatur).

Most of the churches are located in the urban areas - town and villages (Pammal, Chengalput, Tirunilai, Paduvancherry, Bangalore, Veppur, Ariyalur, Neyveli, Kuppanapuram and Karimanagar), two are located at the outskirt of the city (Otteri and Tiruvothiyur) and one at the outskirt of an industrial estate (Ambatur).


Pammal and Otteri are also previously called "Settlement" (during the time of the British, most of the people are scattered and they are the social outcast and are robbers and thieves, endangering the society; as such the British confine them in the Settlement).


Almost all of our members in India are Tamilians. Due to the caste system, most of the believers are integrated to a certain locality where people of the same caste dwells and most are from the same family - relatives. At such, marriages are confine to the same caste, from the same family (should be relatives).


Most of the believers who dwells in towns and outskirt of city are working people and are average income earners. Those who live in villages are considered above poverty (there are some who works in the city), but there are some who are poor.


Unemployment is also a set back for some of our members.


Basically the lives of our members are simple; they eat simple food (daily vegetarians and once a week they take meat); they live simple life (almost no entertainment), and a simple faith.

文章標籤:  #印度聖工小組  #317期  #海外來鴻