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In the year 1969 an Indian man by the name of James (from Pammal, India) came to West Malaysia to visit his relatives. He was a pastor of another Christian denomination in India. One day as he was walking in was strolling in Sungai Petani, Malaysia, he was attracted to beautiful hymns been sung. He walked towards the direction where the hymns came from. These beautiful hymns came from the True Jesus Church in Sungai Petani, Malaysia.

This was his first encounter with the True Church. At that time our members in Sungai petani speaks Mandarin. His search for the truth brought him to the True Jesus Church in Ipoh, Malaysia. There he studied the Word of God with our ministers for a few months. He accepted the truth and was baptized. Thereafter, he brought the gospel back to India in the same year (1969) . He started to spread the truth in India around Madras (Chennai) .


這些早期的信徒包括James, M. G. Samuel, M. V. Abraham, NariJames, Patani Daniel及Thomas.不久,他們即和

Bro James then invited missionaries from Singapore and Malaysia to assist in the divine work in India. The GA of W. Msia and Spore then send Dn. John Chin and Dn. Paul Wong on a missionary trip to India. They preached the gospel in various locality and conducted a three days of Evangelical Service in Pammal.

They then conducted a training course with 6 of the early believers for fifteen days. These include James, M.G. Samuel, M.V. Abraham, Nari James, Patani Daniel and Thomas.

Thereafter they were baptized together with their family. Some other individuals were also baptized. A total of fifty, were baptized.


他們兩位在1971年正月4日被按立為執事。巴瑪教會是在楊約翰長老和陳約翰執事在1971年訪問印度時在聯總的經援下在No.5, Prabudos Street, Pasumpon Nagar, Pammal建造第一間會堂。會堂是在1972年3月由何重生執事和鍾多馬執事舉行獻堂禮。

The first Prayer House was established in the premise of Bro. M.V. Abrahams residence. As the gospel progress it was necessary to ground the early workers in the truth. On 5th November 1970, Bro. Abraham and another Bro. Samuel were invited to Singapore to attend a short theological training for two months conducted by Dn. John Yang and they were later ordained as Deacons on the 4th January 1971.

It was during the visit of Dn. John Yang and Dn. John Chin to India in 1971 that a permanent Church building was constructed with the financial assistance from IA at No.5, Prabudos Street, Pasumpon Nagar, Pammal, Madras. The church was dedicated to the Lord in March 1972 by Dn. Ho Chung Sang and Dn. Thomas Choong.


In the year 1973, Dn. Abraham and another five workers was again invited to Singapore to attend another two months of Theological Training Course. Such workers training was very useeful for the development of te churches in India. Many Prayer Houses were established in and around Madras.


In the year 1975, IA invited participants from India to be observers in the 2nd World Delegates Conference held in Taiwan.


In the subsequent years the gospel continue to spread. Many worship points branched out from the Pammal church. Pammal church continues to give their assistance to these areas.


Pammal church becomes the coordinating center for the India divine work. Due to its proximity to the airport, many foreign workers gather in this place before proceeding to other places for divine work.


However as the divine work grows there are also much testing, trials and temptations. Once we have about 200 members in Pammal. As times passed, through many members comes and members goes. At present the membership stands at about fifty, among whom are the faithful ones.


It is the next generation now in Pammal church. Having gone through much training, the foundation of the members is better. Coupled with better facilities, the church is ready for its next phase of development.

文章標籤:  #印度聖工小組  #318期  #海外來鴻