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Wangkod Church

After Sis. Lumbihan accepted the truth of the True Jesus Church, she went to the nearby villages to propagate the gospel. Prior to this, she was a pagan, worshiping big trees, big rocks and possessed evil supernatural power. Later she embraced the Roman Catholic faith. It was Dn. John Chin of the Tuaran Church who testified to her and led her to the truth .

After Kadayang Bin Angkal accepted the truth in the mid 1938, many followed suite. Among them was Bacheh Lasak(now Dn. Simon) son of Sis. Lumbihan after he was healed of his serious ailment. Prior to his conversion, he was very much against the truth to the extend of trying to kick his own mother while she was praying, but he missed and fell and became unconscious. The believers in this area made use of Dn. Simons house as the place of worship.

The progress of the church then was affected by the Second World War from 1942 to 1945. After the War ended, the congregation resolved that a church be constructed. The first church was completed in 1946 followed by the ordinations of Sis. Lumbihan as Deaconess, Simon and James as Deacons. Due to the ever increase of believers, another much bigger church was constructed in the year 1951. Most of the villagers had accepted the truth and had also branched out two churches to Timbou and Somondon respectively.

The Wangkod Church progressed swiftly and propagated the truth with the collaboration of the five churches nearby. The Church has been rebuilt with classrooms and kitchen facilities. The present membership is 132 with 3 Deacons.

文章標籤:  #沙巴總會  #330期  #海外來鴻