


​蘇魯東巴路教會(Serudong Baru)

撰文/GA Sabah|聖靈月刊333期-2005.06|主題/真理的接棒員

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Serudong Baru Church

In May 1964, the Murut settlers at the Serudong Settlement Scheme were afflicted with cholera. Though being treated in numerous occasions, the epidemic still ravaged on and the situation was miserable. Dn. Gaius Leong and members of the Balung Church were invited to testify the great power of the Lord Jesus.

After hearing the good tidings, the stricken villagers requested that they be baptized. 120 souls were baptized into the Lord on 13 May of the same year. All the afflicted were healed after they rose from the water and filled with joy. Being moved by the Holy Spirit, 30 more souls were baptized into the Lord.

Many of the settlers found it hard to adapt to the new environment, returned gradually to their place of origin. Sabbath services were initially held at Sis. Sasis residence in the year 1969. When the number of believers increased they moved to Bro. Anjans residence for services.

With the assistance from the church, the sitting room was extended to accommodate 50 people. Due to the shortage of interpreters, the believers congregated at the Balung Church for services. Sad to say that the believers lacked knowledge of the truth indulged themselves in drinking and smoking, hence neglected to worship God.

Though service leaders were being sent by the Balung Church to tend the flocks in the year 1983, their old habits still lingered on. Subsequently, prayer session for Holy Spirit was fixed in lieu of the normal Sabbath service on the first Sabbath of each month.

By the grace of God after 6 months, the service attendants increased and their faith revived. Some realized their mission and led friends and relatives to listen to the words. In view of the increase in membership, the prayer- house appeared to be too small and congested. To remedy the situation, land application for a piece of land for the construction of a church was submitted to the authority concerned.

Though encountered many obstructions, by the grace of God it was finally approved in September, 1985. In view of the impoverishment of the settlers there, a letter of appeal for financial assistance was forwarded to the General Assembly to solicit fund from the respective branch-churches throughout Sabah for the project.

Thanks be unto the Lord, the first ever native church built of steel and concrete in the east coast was completed on 15 May, 1990.

文章標籤:  #GA Sabah  #333期  #海外來鴻