


​斗湖教會(Tawau Church)

撰文/GA Sabah 沙巴總會|聖靈月刊334期-2005.07|主題/生命悲歌──談自殺

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Tawau Church

The Tawau township is situated in the east coast of Sabah, bordering Kalimantan of Indonesia.

It is the administrative center of the Tawau Residency. Most of the inhabitants are Chinese engaging in business, farming and small industries.

After the retirement of her husband in 1960, Dns. Anna Tsens whole family moved back to Tawau from Brunei and settled down there. There were 16 members then and used her house as a prayer-house for the worship service.

From then on, more members with family settled down in the Tawau city. Since the number of church members increased gradually, the prayer-house was overcrowded during the Sabbath service. Consequently, the church board hold meetings to discuss the possibility of purchasing land for the construction of a church.

Thanks to the Lord, Dns. Anna Tsen generously offered a portion of her land for construction of the church. By the mid 1981, the new church building was completed, with a sitting capacity of over 500 persons and air conditioning, at a cost of RM380,000 and dedicated to our Lord on July 30, 1981.

Due to the increased number of students, the Religious Education class must divided into different levels of classes. Therefore, a temporary building with 5 classrooms, costing RM18,000, was erected in 1988.

By the guidance of God and the manifestation of miracles, the church members increased steadily and the facilities were not sufficient to meet the demand. Subsequently in 1990, the church board began to solicit funds for the church renovation and the construction of a multi-purpose hall.

Thanks to the Lord, the response from the members were overwhelming well and they donated generously for the work. The multi-purpose hall was completed and dedicated to the Lord, at a cost of RM470,000 on May 1, 1992. In addition, the renovation of the church hall was completed in 1993, at a cost of RM60,000. May all the glory be unto God, our heavenly Father.

文章標籤:  #GA Sabah 沙巴總會  #334期  #海外來鴻