



撰文/基督城教會Joshua Huang|聖靈月刊356期-2007.05|主題/真與假

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My great grandfather was a preacher of True Jesus Church. He went to China for business and he became a member of True Jesus Church. He didnt want to do his business and so he went back to Taiwan for being a preacher.

He bring the words from True Jesus Church to Taiwan. He told my Mums great grandfather about the True Jesus Church. His name was Gideon (Ji-Dang) Huang.

He blew the trumpet and used drum to let people hear him before he started preaching. He slept under the trees when there was no place to sleep. He worked very hard all day then he died when he was about forty.

I am eight years old. I am the fourth generation in True Jesus Church. I was born in Auckland and I live in Christchurch of New Zealand now.

文章標籤:  #基督城教會Joshua Huang  #356期  #宗教教育