



撰文/奧克蘭教會 沈喜樂(James Shen)|聖靈月刊357期-2007.06|主題/愛心的負擔?談接待

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3.All That Is Good For Me Lies In God

After I accepted the Lord and entered into True Jesus Church nine years ago, the Lord has healed me of my chronic nasal catarrh and frequent cardiac muscular wrenching pain. On my fresh contact with the church, I was so attracted to the Truth that I was not even aware of Gods treatment.

I longed enthusiastically to hear more about the Truth and could not wait to inform all my relatives back in China about the good tidings. Hence, I had overlooked my illnesses and did not pray to God for help.

It had been a number of years since they accompanied me and we were quite accustomed to each other, I did not give them much thought.

Not until one day, when I found out that the medicines brought from China for my ailments had been left there untouched for some time, did I realise that my nasal catarrh had been healed and the symptoms of my cardiac muscular pain had disappeared.

All these happened about half a year after my entry into True Jesus Church. I am deeply thankful for the bonus of His grace and the transcending peace bestowed on me.

When both my wife and I migrated here, we heard about the difficulties of job hunting in New Zealand. So, I let my wife continue her studies in the chemistry field in Auckland University.

For about half a year, being alone at home, I would bury myself in the Bible, the church periodicals and publications. But one morning, caught by anxiety, I started to worry about my career in New Zealand.

Because of my poor English skills, I had great difficulty reading and understanding, so I feel no study was suitable for me here.

The thought of looking for a job also baffled me. As a Chinese doctor, I only worked clinically in the hospital in China. My last option would be to move back to homeland, but even so, not until my wife had graduated.

The more I thought of my situation, the deeper I stepped into a quagmire. Out of the blue, I had a resolution: today I am going to plead for Gods help and seek for His guidance. Thank God, something amazing happened while I was still worrying.

I received a call that afternoon from the chairman of the Chinese Medical Association of New Zealand. He said he was desperately looking for a Chinese doctor to fill up a vacated position.

Indeed, this was a surprise to me! How could the Hong Kong born chairman have found me when we had never met each other before? Later, I discovered that he found my telephone number through my patients prescription.

I started working in his clinic the following week. Through this incident, it has dawned on me that our God is omniscient. He knows our thoughts, our needs and provides for us even before we ask of Him. Hence, my reverence and thanks towards Him were increased greatly.

Eight years ago, when my wife was still studying, many brethren encouraged us to have children. My father even rebuked us on this matter and said that my wife should not go for PhD.

We agreed that it was high time for us to consider this issue without delay. As my wife was a chemistry researcher; she would breathe in a lot of poisonous gases during her experiments.

Consequently, we were very worried when she conceived because there were children born to the professors in the Faculty of Chemistry with deformities or low intellectual faculties. Under suchcircumstances, we had no other way but to seek diligently for Gods protection on the fetus.

In our life of faith, we have learnt to trust in God and to commit to Him our worries. Thank God, in May 1998, my wife gave birth to a healthy and smart baby boy, and although she continued her studies and experiments, the baby was well looked after by God. Now my son, age seven and a half, is a year three student.

On May 12th of 2001, I had a skin allergy that sent me scratching throughout the night due to an excess intake of seafood at a restaurant. The next morning, I awoke to red and itchy eczema all over my body.

At first, I did not pay much attention to it and thought that it was only an allergy caused by seafood. As remedy, I took Chinese medicine and applied anti-allergy cream for 5 days. However, my condition worsened. There were injuries and fluid all over my body from the scratching.

At this point, I sensed that something was not right. I changed to the strongest Western skin anti-inflammation pills without delay and took it continuously for five days. But this was also to no avail.

I was in great torment during those ten days. I had to change my pyjamas and bed sheets every night because of the fluid from my body. In the course of ten days, I used up 49 out of the 50 tubes of dermal cream which I brought from China and they were also helpless.

The physical torment was unbearably agonizing. At this critical moment, my wife said to me: "Stop using anymore of those treacherous medicines! Seek God and pray to Him with all your heart!"

I agreed with this, but was crestfallen. I had been praying to God all these days and had seen no result but only tortures, which grew even more severely during the last three to four days. Being bound with itch and pain, I even resented speaking.

On the night of the fourteenth day, I made a thorough self-examination of my faith: why did God turn His ears away from my prayers? What happened to my faith? I thought of my indebtedness to God.

I thought of my weaknesses and insignificance. Then I pondered upon the promises God made to us, His love and His election. It also came to my mind that we should not base our religious practice on material and physical benefits. When I returned to my senses, words of gratitude overflowed from within my heart.

To God I prayed: "O Lord, regardless of my skin diseases which remain to be healed, I will praise and revere you till time infinite, because you have given me the greatest blessing in choosing me as one of your people."

For the first time out of the two weeks, I was finally able to sleep well. Miraculously, when I woke up the next morning, the pain was gone; the affected skin began to take shape, and was completely healed within a day or two. Thank God.

When my wife was still in university, we planned to return to China as searching for a job was not easy for us here, and I only worked on a low income at the clinic.

About that time, I had to quit my job to take care of my son and occasionally I would attend to some patients who came to see me in my house.

Besides this, I intended to make full use of my leisure time to equip myself with the Word; by listening to the sermon tapes and studying more of the biblical truth before I return to my country lest my faith should drift away.

Both my wife and I made a resolution: irrespective of where we dwell, we would regard God and our faith as the core of our life, ever reminding ourselves that we should lead a God-fearing and thanksgiving life by trusting in His power.

We should make every effort to holdfast to the Truth received from True Jesus Church. In addition, we arrived at a common view with regards to financial management.

That is, we ought to enjoy a life within the boundary set by God, and not add any money-related pressures on ourselves, so that we will not be overcome by worries of this world and harmful desires of our flesh, bringing disaster to our faith.

Thank God, with His blessing, my wife finally graduated. The timing was just right for her to help look after her sister who had just given birth here.

We also thank the Lord for His mercy; my wifes sister had also accepted the Truth and entered into Christ here in New Zealand. By then, we already had a scenario in mind, we would also move back to our homeland after my sister-in-law had left for Kwong-Chou.

Although we may have had a plan for our future, it is God who ultimately leads our way. Slightly more than two months after my wifes graduation, a professor from the university asked my wife if she would like to go back to the university to work; a job for a post-graduate doctorate with an annual income of NZ$50,000.

We were overwhelmed with happiness as well as thanks towards God. It was too good to be true. Her classmates could not help but admire her, for she was the only one who got a job without having to look for it - the job came to her. The grace of God allows us to stay in Auckland. Praises be given unto His name.

Ever since we entered True Jesus Church, the compassion and loving kindness of God is not unusual to us. Joy and contentment accompany us as we walk with the Lord who takes away from us worries of this world.

Moreover, as God gradually imparts us the knowledge of the surpassing goodness of His spiritual blessings, our desires for the things of this world gradually decrease.

It is well said in Ps 73:25, "Whom have I in the heaven but you? And earth has nothing I desire besides you." This verse portrays the deep feeling within our hearts. May all the glory and praises be given unto God in heaven.

文章標籤:  #奧克蘭教會 沈喜樂(James Shen)  #357期  #恩典見證