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榮耀歸主耶穌基督聖名,緬甸的TJC(真耶穌教會),於2008年7月7日至2009年3月20日在仰光舉辦由SCB(新加坡聯絡處)所協辦的「青年神學訓練課程」,為期八個月的時間,分成兩個學期完成。主要的目標為建立正確信仰、學習真理的知識並培訓出忠心的工人,好讓真理可在Chin Tribe(欽族)的區域得以保守、傳揚。講員為SCB的傳道人、執事,還有一些由聯總差派的沙巴聖職人員。全程以中、英文來授課,再翻譯成緬文。

10位已受洗的學員中,有9名弟兄、1名姊妹。弟兄都是屬Kalay欽族的教會,分別來自Natkyikong(2名)、Sanmyo(3名)、Sawbayyaysin(4名)。唯一的姊妹是住在仰光的Karen tribe(甲良族),她已在本會所設立的安親補習班當了一年的教員。



緬甸的TJC有五所會堂(一個在仰光、兩個在Kalay的Sanmyo 和 Natkyikong、兩個在山區的Tedimc和Lamzang),和一間在Kalay的Sawbayyaysin的祈禱所。已受洗的信徒共有250名。


Glory to our Lord Jesus Christ that the Myanmar True Jesus Church with the support of the True Jesus Church Singapore Co-ordination Board (SCB) is conducting an Eight Month Youth Full-Time Bible Course at Yangon. The course which commenced on 7th July 2008 and being conducted over two semesters until 20th March 2009 aims to inculcate the correct faith and true beliefs of our church upon the participants and to train up faithful workers among the youths so that the truth can be kept and proclaimed in the churches especially among the Chin Hill tribes. The lessons conducted by the preacher and deacons and trainee preacher from SCB and from Sabah assigned by International Assembly for Myanmar ministry are taught in English/Mandarin and interpreted into the Burmese Language.

The participants are ten baptized believers, nine brothers and a sister. The brothers are all of Chin Tribes from the churches in Kalay Valley, two of whom are from Natkyikong, three from Sanmyo, and four from Sawbayyaysin. The sister is of the Karen t tribe and from Yangon who worked as the TJC Day Care Centre instructor over the past on year.

These participants were recommended by the Myanmar TJC deacons and preachers after close observation and selected after a careful process of written test and interview by the Myanmar Ministry Committee(MMC) missionary team in May 2008 at Sanmyo church and with the consensus of MMC members in Singapore. They are fervent believers of the church who love the Lord Jesus and are prepared to spend eight months away from their home and family to be taught the truth of the bible and the word of God, even though they are not being promised any benefit or incentive whether monetary or in kind.

It is also hoped that from among the participants there are potential candidates to be trained as full-time preachers for the True Jesus Church in Myanmar. Presently there only two full-time preachers and they have to minister to the churches and brethren in the Chin Hills and Kalay Valley as well as to those at Yangon.

The Myanmar True Jesus Church has a membership of about 250 baptised believers altogether with five church buildings: one at Yangon, two at Kalay Valley namely Sanmyo and Natkyikong, two at Chin Hill State namely Tedim and Lamzang, and one Prayer house at Sawbayyaysin.

Kindly pray for the success of the aforesaid course and for the ministry of the True Jesus Church in Myanmar. May all praises be given to the Lord Jesus Christ.

文章標籤:  #陳西門‧譯/許志龍  #372期  #海外來鴻